City Council Goals and Priorities - FY2010
(approved Feb 2, 2009)


This pamphlet outlines the objectives and goals of the City Council for July 1, 2009 through June 30, 2011.

The goals are the product of an in-depth bi-annual process that the City Council has followed since 1996. The Government Operations and Rules Committee is charged with overseeing the goal setting process for the Council.

Since 2000, the process has included a statistically valid telephone survey of the opinion of Cambridge residents with regard to city services and city government. The process also includes an opportunity for Cambridge citizens to gather together to voice their concerns and opinions about what the City Council should focus on in setting its goals. This year, the Government Operations and Rules Committee hosted a “World Café” – an interactive conversational format that allowed diverse and creative points of view about Cambridge’s needs to emerge as the public comment opportunity. A cross section of Cambridge residents spent the evening in a series of facilitated dialogues on the topic of “What is it important to focus on to improve life in Cambridge?” The enthusiastic reaction of the participants has persuaded the City Council that the “World Café” should be repeated as a regular city event to foster community.

The City Council used the information from the survey and the World Café in a two-session facilitated discussion hosted by the Government Operations Committee. This year the City Council focused on ensuring that for each of the Council’s broad, highly visionary and multiyear objectives, the Council delineated S.M.A.R.T. shorter term goals (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Results-Oriented and Time-Bound). Particularly in this time of economic uncertainty and a continuing decline in state and federal financial support, the City Council must ensure that Cambridge’s resources go to support goals that are results-oriented with outcomes that can be seen and measured. The Council goals were adopted by the City Council on February 2, 2009. These objectives and goals will guide the annual budget planning process.

Vice Mayor Brian Murphy, Co-Chair
Councillor David P. Maher, Co-Chair
Government Operations and Rules Committee


The City of Cambridge is dedicated to improving the quality of life for everyone in our community in an environment of excellence while maintaining a strong financial position including awareness of the impact on taxpayers.


Foster Community and support Neighborhood Vitality. Support opportunities for citizens to participate in setting city priorities and to know each other within their neighborhoods and across the city.

Evaluate City expenditures with a view of maintaining a Strong Fiscal Position and awareness of the Impact on Taxpayers.

Strengthen and support Public Education and other Learning in Cambridge for the benefit of residents of all ages.

Value and support the racial, socioeconomic, cultural and religious Diversity of our city.

Promote a Healthy Environment by adopting healthy and environmentally sound and energy efficient practices throughout the community.

Preserve and create Affordable Housing for low, moderate and middle-income residents including families.

Promote Doing Business in Cambridge and work to strengthen our mutually beneficial partnerships with businesses and universities.

FY 2008 Goals     FY 2006 Goals