City Council Goals - FY2011 and FY2012
(approved Dec 20, 2010)

Evaluate City Expenditures with a view of maintaining a strong fiscal position and awareness of the impact on taxpayers while providing a high quality array of City services.

Foster Community and Support Neighborhood Vitality. Support opportunities for citizens to participate and to know each other within their neighborhoods and across the city.

Strengthen and support Human Services, Public Education and Out of School Learning in Cambridge for the benefit of residents of all ages.

Value and support the racial, socioeconomic, cultural and religious diversity of our city.

Promote public safety and address the challenges and opportunities for multiple modes of transportation to safely share roads and sidewalks.

Preserve and create affordable housing for low, moderate and middle-income families and other residents across the city.

Promote doing business in Cambridge and work to strengthen our mutually beneficial partnerships with businesses and universities.

Promote a healthy community and environment to advance Cambridge as a leader in public health and environmental sustainability.

FY 2010 Goals     FY 2008 Goals     FY 2006 Goals